Welcome to the C# Basic and Advanced: Creating a Point of Sale System. The course covers all the fundamental concepts of C# and Microsoft SQL SERVER for Database. We include the most interesting and essential topics in this course. This is the most comprehensive C# and Database that will make you successful in C# Database Programming....
Welcome to the PHP with Laravel – Create a Restaurant Management System. The course covers the concepts of using PHP and Laravel Framework to build an innovative web application. Therefore, this is the best hands-on course providing intermediate and advanced techniques. In other words, students will learn by creating a real project. For instance, they...
If you are interested in creating a WordPress Theme. For developers, learning how to create a WordPress can be confusing. If you take this, you will be comfortable with creating any WordPress theme. This course will make you become a real WordPress developer. Students will learn how to install WordPress, create a theme, learn about...
The course covers all the fundamental concepts of React. This course is absolutely for beginners who want to start coding React. To make students understand deeply about React the course will not include complex topics like redux or graph in the main part but the complex topic will be included for extra parts. An instructor...